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3,8 25.06.2018 | Renee S. Three Lakes, Rhine - Liechtenstein

Beautiful scenery, poor maps

We found the scenery quite beautiful around the lakes. The hotels vaired in quality, some very nice, some not so nice. We had two challenges. First, the included maps were not nearly detailed enough for navigation. We tried to supplement with google, but the service was often poor. Secondly, the second day itinerary is much longer than the other days. We found that very stressful and would have much preferred more similar distances each day. The bikes are sturdy and comfortable for cruising, but very heavy for the hills. Panniers were very helpful, but the front map pocket did not work very well and the map fell out a couple of times. Ideally, I would like to spend two nights in some of the locations, like wallensee to feel less rushed.
  • Overall satisfaction 4
    Booking handling 5
    Travel documents 2
    Information at the beginning of the tour 3
    Accomodation 3
    Board 3
    Luggage transport 6
    Route description 2
    On-site assistance 5
    Route-character 4
    Bicycle + equipment 4
    Price-performance ratio 5
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