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5,3 08.09.2015 | Susan W. Lake Constance sportive

Sportive Lake Constance tour

Our tour ran effortlessly, I had orignal arranged to collect the bikes from Konstanz but on receipt of hotel details realsied that the location was 8K away, this was not a problem and we had the bikes delivered and collected from the hotel. The accomodation was of a good standard in Litzlestetten and of a higher standard in Bregenz. Before booking I had e mailed to check that we would be in different hotels for all 4 night, but we only stayed in 2. I would have liked to have had one night in Konstanz itself. I realise that this would have added to the luggage transportation costs, perhaps it should be made clearer in the brochure. The route was excellent and not at all difficult with many sights and villages to stop at along the way. We didnt make a note of our bike number on the rear of the bycycle, which was a problem when they had been moved by other people at the hotel. ( I think a note in the travel book would help here.All in all a great trip at a reasonable price. We travelled via Basal airport and then took the train down to Konstance this was considerably cheaper than flying in to Zurich.
  • Overall satisfaction 6
    Booking handling 6
    Travel documents 6
    Per-Tour information 6
    Accomodation 4
    Board 4
    Luggage transport 6
    Route description 5
    On-site assistance 6
    Route-character 6
    Bicycle + equipment 4
    Price-performance ratio 5
  • Comment of your RAD+REISEN-Eurocycle-Team


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