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Cycle Stories

Our Rad+Reisen eurocycle employees also like to get on their bikes and explore our tours on their own. After all, what better way is there to get to know your own product than by being right in the middle of it? On this page, you will find the stories and reports that have emerged from these adventures to browse through and laugh along with! 

With Rainer around Lake Zell

Rainer spent 5 days on his business trip in Salzburger Land, experiencing fantastic mountain scenery, Austrian hospitality and a bright blue Lake Zell. Read through his story and convince yourself of the beauty of Lake Zell!

With Klaus from Vienna to Budapest

Our travel consultant Klaus spent 6 days on the road from Vienna to Budapest to experience our trip first hand - read his detailed report here, maybe you’ll get a taste for it yourself?

With Carina and Eva to the Iron Gate

In August 2023, our colleagues Carina and Eva embarked on part of our Bike & Boat trip to the Iron Gate. They boarded the MS Swiss Crown in Belgrade and cycled the tour to Vienna. Read for yourself!


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