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5,6 10.10.2017 | Robert H. The Bavarian Danube

No surprises

First a word about the bicycles. Midway through the trip I realized that there had never been any numbness in my hands. I ride an expensive TREK bike at home and within an hour I experience numbness in my hands which I notice is not uncommon. Congratulations on the design of the handlebars! I have now done all four stages of the Danube rides through your company. This was the least scenic. Too much time was either close to roads or along the wrong side of the dikes. Looking at the dike for several kilometres is not rewarding. In other areas we road more along the top of the dikes or below the dikes next to the river. This was quite a change from The Young Danube. Often there was little opportunity to stop for pastry and lattes, again unlike on other tours. My personal ranking is first Passau to Vienna. Second The Young Danube. Third Vienna to Budapest and fourth The Bavarian Danube. Also plaudits to your company for accommodating the request by one in our group to switch to an electric bike as he was having a problem with his legs. The materials which you supply make it almost impossible to get lost even if one does not speak the language. All in all we did have a good time. The terrain was generally easy and although I am 79 I was able to manage without an ebike.
  • Overall satisfaction 5
    Booking handling 6
    Travel documents 6
    Per-Tour information 6
    Accomodation 5
    Board 6
    Luggage transport 6
    Route description 6
    Route-character 5
    Bicycle + equipment 6
    Price-performance ratio 5
  • Comment of your RAD+REISEN-Eurocycle-Team


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