Detailed Travel-Report
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Fours seasons in one on the Danube
Michael was very helpful
At time of booking . We enjoyed the cycle very much . It was very flat and very easy . Unfortunately we got soaked wet on day 3 of the trip despite excellent wet gear and our painters and guide book bag were positively drenched along with all contents . We were glad at that stage we had ferry joyrnies booked ! The First hotel in Passau was lovely , central and nicely appointed . Other hotels had very little character and mostly away from the cycle path . If I were advising anyone else to do the cycle trip Ivepuld Recommend RAnd R but not the hotel type we had . I imagine simple Pension / Zimmer accommodation nearer to the path would be more interesting . The hotels we stayed in were soulless and I inviting . I would also recommend bringing swimming gear for on the early part of the cycle from Passau there are a few lovely areas to swim .
Comment of your RAD+REISEN-Eurocycle-Team