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5,4 22.09.2018 | Ann R. VIA CLAUDIA AUGUSTA I

Romance to tragedy: from the romantic road to the setting of the tragedy Romeo and Juliet

The Via Claudia Augusta took us gently into the Alps and then down to Verona. The cycle paths were excellent and allowed stress free cycling, in the main. We chose not to use the bus transfers, but still found some excellent routes, though the off road Ferne pass route would have been more suited to experienced mountain bikers, which we are not. Scenery was outstanding as we had good weather throughout the tour. The down hill part of the route from Merano was beautiful. Apple orchards lined the route; we speculated that this would have been even more beautiful in spring when these were in blossom.
  • Overall satisfaction 6
    Booking handling 6
    Travel documents 5
    Per-Tour information 5
    Accomodation 6
    Board 4
    Luggage transport 6
    On-site assistance 5
    Route-character 6
    Bicycle + equipment 6
    Price-performance ratio 4
  • Comment of your RAD+REISEN-Eurocycle-Team


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