Aktiver Branch: 20240719_1531--main

Detailed Travel-Report

Browse through RAD + REISEN - EUROCYCLE travel reviews! Find out, how other clients experienced their cycle holidays.

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5,8 13.09.2022 | Sarah Joanna H. Sunny Provence / Camargue by Bike + Boat

Fantastic France

We had a thoroughly enjoyable holiday in the Camargue and Provence . The guide and crew could not have been more accommodating and were also great fun.
My elderly mother enjoyed the comfort of the boat and joined us for some sightseeing whilst the rest of the family were out cycling. Really interesting things to see, fantastic scenery and coming back each evening to really superb food on the boat. What?s not to like.
  • Overall satisfaction 6
    Booking handling 6
    Travel documents 6
    Per-Tour information 6
    Accomodation 5
    Board 6
    Route description 6
    On-site assistance 5
    Route-character 6
    Bicycle + equipment 6
    Price-performance ratio 6
  • Comment of your RAD+REISEN-Eurocycle-Team


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