Aktiver Branch: 20240719_1531--main

Detailed Travel-Report

Browse through RAD + REISEN - EUROCYCLE travel reviews! Find out, how other clients experienced their cycle holidays.

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5,9 09.08.2023 | Peter W. Danube Impressions by BIKE + BOAT Passau-Vienna-Passau

Danube 2023

We both very much enjoyed our week on the MS Swiss Crown and the cycling on the Danube river path. The experience exceeded our expectations and we enjoyed the mostly car free cycling. The varied scenery was thoroughly enjoyable. We were also very lucky with the weather, which was a bonus.
We would have liked a little more time on the Wachau Valley section,but difficult to see how this could be achieved given the time constraints.
The staff were very helpful and friendly
  • Booking handling 6
    Travel documents 6
    Per-Tour information 6
    Accomodation 6
    Board 6
    Route description 6
    On-site assistance 6
    Route-character 6
    Bicycle + equipment 5
    Price-performance ratio 6
  • Comment of your RAD+REISEN-Eurocycle-Team


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