Aktiver Branch: 20240719_1531--main

Detailed Travel-Report

Browse through RAD + REISEN - EUROCYCLE travel reviews! Find out, how other clients experienced their cycle holidays.

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5,0 20.09.2023 | AnaRita E. Istrian Riviera Bike + Boat


Hybrid bikes need an upgrade Veggies were over cooked Needing cash on the boat was stressful Rovinj tour and time to visit should be a must. ( we really missed out on this. ) Beds and bedding for two together and better quality would have been appreciated.

Otherwise everything was great especially the guides and crew.
  • Booking handling 5
    Travel documents 5
    Per-Tour information 6
    Accomodation 5
    Board 6
    Route description 5
    On-site assistance 6
    Route-character 5
    Bicycle + equipment 3
    Price-performance ratio 4
  • Comment of your RAD+REISEN-Eurocycle-Team


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