Aktiver Branch: 202409050810--hotfix-1538

Detailed Travel-Report

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5,3 28.09.2023 | Grahame S. Romantic Road

Romantic road on e-bikes

The trip was excellent and very enjoyable.
Two minor points worth mentioning are:
We had some difficulty interpreting the trip notes in towns to find our hotels; and given we are older riders we did look for lifts in hotels to help with luggage.
The bikes worked well, the hotels knew of the requirements to store the bikes and had our accommodation sorted, and the luggage was always at the hotels when we arrived.
So it is fair to say that the trip went very smoothly even if we made a few small navigation errors that were easily corrected.
  • Overall satisfaction 6
    Booking handling 6
    Travel documents 4
    Per-Tour information 5
    Accomodation 5
    Board 6
    Luggage transport 6
    Route description 4
    On-site assistance 5
    Route-character 4
    Bicycle + equipment 6
    Price-performance ratio 6
  • Comment of your RAD+REISEN-Eurocycle-Team


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