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5,6 09.12.2023 | Edward S. Vietnam by Bike + Boat

Vietnam/Cambodia Bike/Boat

We enjoyed our trip to Vietnam and Cambodia very much. The things we liked the most were:
--the variety of things we did (biking, boating, hiking, cultural activities)
--our guides (Dora, Vietnam local guide (Nam) and Cambodia local guide (Thou), though the local guides were hard to understand at times with their level of English
--the accommodations (except for Mekong River boat -- see below)
--the bikes

The things we liked the least were:
--the two days spent on the Mekong River (not that interesting) and the boat chartered (poor quality)
One suggestion for the optional Hanoi add-on is to include the Hoa Lo prison.
It was not included in the city tour but we did it on our own and it was extremely interesting.
  • Overall satisfaction 5
    Booking handling 6
    Travel documents 6
    Per-Tour information 6
    Accomodation 4
    Board 5
    Route description 6
    On-site assistance 6
    Route-character 6
    Bicycle + equipment 6
    Price-performance ratio 6
  • Comment of your RAD+REISEN-Eurocycle-Team


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